It is our aim, that the Foilfeed® products will be integrated in the industry's future solutions, since it brings so many advantages for both sailmakers and sailors. Foilfeed® products primary market distribution will be through the sailmakers (wholesale) and secondarily by the online shop (retail) on this site. When signing up for a business profile, you will automatically be considered a distributor dealing on wholesale terms.

Save time and make profits by installing and selling Foilfeed®
Buying Foilfeed® at wholesale terms (H1 is sold in retail at EUR 37.95* per item - wholesale down to EUR 22.00** depending on quantity per order). Having a profile, means that every time you go on the online shop, we have your standard information and also your purchase history. Every time you have to reorder, just click and that's it!

Get all updates automatically. It will have an impact on your business!
As a profile holder, you will get all info, news and updates relevant for your business sent by your profiles e-mail. These updates will usually be text-mails containing a link to a dedicated page on, so your mailbox won’t suffer from downloading and spam.

See the 'Answers and questions' paragraph here about wholesales...

* Price for 1 item excluding taxes and shipment. *
* Price per 1 item excluding taxes and shipment, when ordering more than 100 items per order.

Join the group on Facebook >

A. Business information:

1. Full company name: *

2. VAT no./ Federal Tax ID: *
3. Sailmaking Group (if affiliated):


Comments: Fields marked with * are mandatory. 1. State the full name of your company as officially registred. 2. The VAT number or Federal Tax ID is mandatory by law on invoices and receipts. This will formally be the billing reciever. 3. This will help you in case that we do special services for individual sailmaking brands.


B. Business location:

4. Adress 1: *

5. Adress 2:

6. Zip code: *

7. City: *

8. Country: *


Comments: Fields marked with * are mandatory. 4. Please use this as primary adress line. 5. If needed use this for secondary adress line. 6. If from USA or Canada, mark your state or area initials in front of your zip code.


C. Personal information:

9. First name: *

10. Last name: *

11. Business title:

12. E-mail: *

13. Phone number (+ country code)


Comments: Fields marked with * are mandatory.


D. Login preferences

14. Type your preferred password: *
(Minimum of 4 alpha numeric figures)

15. Repeat and confirm password: *


Comments: Fields marked with * are mandatory.


Responsibility of your profile: By having a profile on this site, you agree to follow the terms and conditions under which this site is governed.
Communication: You will automatically recieve our newsletters (quarterly).
Editing profile: You can edit any of your information when you're logged in. Just click the 'Edit >' link in the login-bar found when on the online-shop
Termination of profile: You can terminate your profile anytime by clicking on the 'Edit >' link in the login-bar found when on the online-shop.